F16 Block 72 - Impression shows F-16C Block 70/72 carrying Sniper sight pods and fitted with AIM-9X and AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles. (Photo: Lockheed Martin)

On June 24, the US State Department approved the potential sale of 12 F-16 Block 70/72 fighter jets to the Philippines, following a request by the government in Manila as it seeks a multi-role fighter (MRF) from to protect the country. airspace and surrounding seas. However, a day later, Philippine Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzano said this

F16 Block 72

F16 Block 72

That the F-16 package is too expensive and that the Philippine Air Force (PAF) is exploring other options. For the DPS requirement the favorites are the F-16 and the Swedish Saab Gripena.

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Valued at about $2.43 billion, the potential sale includes 10 single-seat F-16Cs and two two-seat F-16Ds, along with related equipment, spare parts and training. The aircraft will have systems such as the Northrop Grumman APG-83 Scalable Agile Beam Radar (SABR) AESA radar and MIDS-JTRS data link. The approval includes a choice of General Electric F110-GE-129D (Block 70) or Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-229EEP (or Block 72) engines. There is also a choice of Elbit JHMCS II or Thales Scorpion helmet-mounted displays and Northrop Grumman/Rafael Litening or Lockheed Martin Sniper advanced targeting pods.

As for armament, the approval includes AIM-120C-7/8 AMRAAM medium-range air-to-air missiles and Laser Joint direct attack munition guidance kits for Mk 82 bombers. Separate State Department confirmations issued on the same day contained the potential. sale of AIM-9X short-range air-to-air missiles and AGM-84L-1 Harpoon Block II anti-ship weapons.

The PAF has a critical need for air defense systems capable of protecting Philippine airspace and surrounding waters, especially in light of heightened tensions in the South China Sea. The last supersonic fighter in service was the Northrop F-5A/B, which was retired in 2005.

Currently, the most advanced fighter jets available to the PAF are 12 FA-50PHs from Korea Aerospace Industries, which were delivered between November 2015 and May 2017. weapons, including AIM-9 Sidewinder and AGM-65 Maverick missiles, and have been used in a number of counter-terrorism operations. The PAF has also recently received Embraer A-29 Super Tucanos, which have joined strike forces primarily tasked with close air support and counter-insurgency missions. The F-16 Block 72 incorporates the latest advances in technology and combat capabilities - many of which can be considered fifth generation. Here are three reasons why the F-16 Block 72 could serve as a bridge between Indonesia's current F-16 fleet and fifth-generation aircraft such as the F-35.

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Lockheed Martin is the only company in the world with two fifth-generation fighter jets in operation, the F-22 and F-35. This means that Lockheed Martin can take the fifth generation technologies of these platforms and put them back into the F-16 Block 72 for Indonesia - and vice versa.

For example, Northrop Grumman's APG-83 Advanced Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar provides 5th generation capabilities using hardware and software commonality with the F-22 and F-35 AESA radars. The APG-83 shares 95% software similarity and 70% hardware similarity with the F-35 radar.

Overall, Lockheed Martin provides a proven high-value and comprehensive transfer of advanced aerospace technologies and a fourth-to-fifth generation transition plan.

F16 Block 72

With 34 F-16s already in operation, the Indonesian Air Force has F-16 maintenance equipment, spare parts and trained pilots and maintenance personnel. The recently upgraded IDAF F-16A Block 15 aircraft brought significant structural improvements and modern avionics to the fleet, and these aircraft will now complete the Block 72 F-16.

D 64 F 16 Block 25 Viper 1:72

With this F-16 experience and the infrastructure already in place, the F-16 Block 72 will allow for a smoother, more efficient transition and cost-effective operations once the initial investment is completed. In addition, with more than 3,000 F-16s in service today from 25 countries, F-16 users around the world can share information as well as maintenance projects and costs related to F-16 maintenance - many of which are for fifth-generation users. are common In fact, half of the F-16 supply chain is shared with the F-22 and F-35.

Many international users of the F-35 also flew the F-16 - either in the past or continue to do so today. Most have upgraded their existing F-16 fleets to the latest configuration as an early step in the transition to fifth-generation fighter technologies.

Today, the F-16 continues to serve as the home of NATO air fleets and allied defense missions around the world. By selecting the F-16 Block 72, Indonesia will join the network of nations that operate older models of the F-16, F-16 and the new F-35. Although all discussions on fifth-generation aircraft for Indonesia will begin with the US government, the F-16 Block 72 offers the Indonesian Air Force a path to fifth-generation capabilities in the future.

The F-16 is a strategic and valuable choice for many customers around the world seeking advanced fighter capabilities, regional and global partnerships, and affordable life cycle costs.

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Another reason for Indonesia? There is already a lot of existing infrastructure needed to support it.

With its current fleet of 34 F-16 Block 15 aircraft, the Indonesian Air Force has F-16 maintenance equipment and spares… as well as trained pilots and maintenance personnel. This fleet has recently completed major structural upgrades and avionics upgrades that will keep them in service for decades. The new Block 72 aircraft will complement and expand the existing fleet.

By choosing a new aircraft other than the F-16 as its future fighter, the Indonesian Air Force will have to invest heavily in new infrastructure, train new pilots and support personnel, assemble new ground support equipment, and a variety of buy weapons the current inventory is used for the F-16.

F16 Block 72

Introducing a new aircraft to the fleet may mean that there is less uniformity in terms of sustainability and compatibility challenges within the fleet and with regional partners. Training and maintaining many different aircraft platforms will be more difficult and expensive than maintaining a single platform like the F-16.

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With F-16 experience and the necessary infrastructure already in place, the F-16 Block 72 will enable the Indonesian Air Force to have a more flexible, efficient and cost-effective transport - ready for any mission, at any time. is .

F-16 Blok 72 meggabungkan progress progress terbaru dalam tekhnologii i kepehanan tempur – dimana tak sedikdi di medara yang dapat begama sebagai sebagai technology generasi kelima. Here are three reasons why the powerful F-16 Block 72 can be a bridge between Indonesia's current F-16 fleet and fifth-generation aircraft, such as the F-35.

Lockheed Martin is the only satu creator to translate the description into Bulgarian with Google Translate? This means that Lockheed Martin untuk uses technology generation kelima dari platforma kedua pesetan tersebut and mengintegrasikannya kembali ke F-16 Blok 72 untuk Indonesia - and vice versa.

For example, the APG-83 Advanced Electronic Array (AESA) radar was developed by Northrop Grumman, which can support the 5th generation using hardware and software with the F-22 and F-35 AESA radars. The APG-83 has 95 percent effectiveness and 70 percent effectiveness of the F-35 radar.

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Overall, Lockheed Martin provides a technologically advanced technology transition that is complete and proven to be a transition plan from the fourth generation to the fourth generation.

With 34 F-16 aircraft in the armada, Angkatan Udara Indonesia, there are much better results waiting for the F-16, new pilots and pilots who are part of the sert personnel to be revealed. TNI AU F-16A Blok 15 yang baru saja in renewal (perbarui) gives a structural upgrade and avionics upgrade dalam armadanya. The latest version of the F-16 Block 72 is the best version.

With the F-16 and the infrastructure already in the building, the F-16 Block 72 can be used for the transition and efficiency of aircraft that can invest in the new aircraft. In addition, with more than 3,000 F-16s operating in 25 countries today, F-16 users around the world can share information about the cyber project and the costs associated with F-16 maintenance - much of which is usually from performed by generations of users. the word The fact is that the information is presented on the F-16 and F-22 and F-35.

F16 Block 72

Banjak penguna F-35 juga mengooperakikan F-16 - baik di masa lalunya tau yang terus mengooperakikanya sampai saat ini. Most of the upgrades of Armada F-16 mereka yang ada ke setupne terbaru sebagai jalar awal dalam transisi ke pesetan technology tempur generasi kelima.

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Today, the F-16 continues to serve for NATO attack and joint defense missions around the world. In other words, F-16 Block 72, Indonesia comes with new models of F-16, F-16 and F-35. The discussion that is discussed in Indonesia is said in Indonesia that the voices of perumandi AS, pesensan F16 Blok 72 nabuhan Angkatan Udara Indonesia jalan menguang peresanaan kerenasi kelima di masa depan.

The F-16 is a strategic and valuable choice for many customers around the world looking for an interim aircraft with sophisticated capabilities, regional and global partnerships, and affordable life cycle costs.

Alas lain menpapa Indonesia harus menjadi negara selatan yang melikan F16? Indonesia sudah memiliki varangal macam infrastructure yang tetukuri untuk mendungan F16 yang terbaru.

With an armada of 34 F-16 Block 15, TNI Angkata Udara sudah memiliki perlatan waiting and kadang F-16 yang need... pilots and sert personnel who are staffed daily. Armada F-16 TNI AU baru-baru

We Both Will Not Live To See The Last Flight Of An F 16”

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