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jennifer schuett assault

Jennifer Schuett Assault - In the summer of 1990, Jennifer Schuette had a real nightmare when she was abducted from her bed, raped and left for dead. But through perseverance, determination and perseverance, she survived. She is now using her voice to help other women and girls speak out against their attackers.

That summer, Schuette was eight years old. She was afraid of the dark and did not want to sleep alone, so she always slept with her mother Ellen. However, on the evening of August, Jennifer was not feeling well, so her mother asked her to go to bed because she had work in the morning.

Jennifer Schuett Assault

Jennifer Schuett Assault

The next morning, Ellen was nowhere to be found. The window to her bedroom leading to the parking lot opened. Someone took her out of bed while she was sleeping. Ellen immediately called police, but no one was able to find her young daughter.

Jennifer Schuett: Child Rape Victim Left Infertile By Grisly 1990 Attack Overcomes Horrific Injuries To Conceive First Child

The next day, some children playing in a field found Jennifer's body. Her attacker cut her throat from ear to ear, but miraculously did not touch the large blood vessels. Any. Jennifer was taken to hospital and survived. However, her injuries left her unable to speak at the time. So she contacted the police by paper.

"I mostly wrote notes to my mother and she handed them to the clerk outside," Jennifer recalled. She did not trust all the men at the time and was especially afraid of the police because her captors claimed to be secret officers when he forced her into his car.

Jennifer's notes are very detailed, describing what the man looks like with a crack in his car, up to his name: Dennis. According to Jennifer, the man took her to the parking lot and told her they would wait until sunrise and her mother would pick her up. As she waited and waited anxiously for her mother, the man continued to smoke and drink beer - two more details Jennifer later added to the list.

"I remember him saying that Mom did not come and start the car," she recalled. He then took her to a field outside the city while she asked him questions. He told her his gun was in the back seat, so she went to the front seat to watch, and that was when he attacked her.

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When Jennifer woke up from the attack, she was pulled naked by her feet to the center of the field. She plays dead and the man leaves her on Ant Mountain. After driving, she drifted away, but was bitten by an ant.

"I know I can not shout, I have enough strength to throw my right hand around his neck," she said. I

After Jennifer was rescued, she realized it was her best chance to catch the man who abused her. So she remembers every detail she can. "I remember he looked greasy and maybe he had a scar on his face," she said. "Every little detail I can think of, everything I can think of will help find him."

Jennifer Schuett Assault

Painters were also brought in to help police find them. Again, although Jennifer could not speak at the time, she wrote enough details to put together an accurate picture.

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Although police shared the photo with the public, they could not find the man. "It's really frustrating for me not to be able to say what I want to say," Jennifer recalled.

Then a second miracle happened: even though Jennifer's vocal cords were cut in half and were not expected to be reconnected, they began to heal. A small voice escaped Jennifer's throat in a tragic moment.

My voice came back when I was in the hospital. I mean, I haven't been quiet since. Jennifer Schuette How a woman catches her catcher after 19 years.

In the end, Jennifer waited 18 years for any progress. But eventually progress came. She received a call that new investigator Tim Cromie was taking her case and wanted to meet with her.

Raped At 8, Jennifer Schuett Shares Lifelong Journey For Answers

"I told Jennifer I would do everything I could for the rest of my career to get the answers you needed on this case," the investigator later said.

"That simple sentence changed my life," Jennifer added. "I feel like he was as determined to settle my case as I was."

I really want to be a part of solving my own case. I want to help because I am the only living witness. Jennifer Schuette Related: A girl who thinks fast, believes in her gut and uses mucus to escape from dangerous predators.

Jennifer Schuett Assault

From there, Detective Cromie analyzed the clothing found at the scene. Advances in technology benefited them, and a year later they discovered a match: Dennis Earl Bradford.

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Bradford has just been released from prison for another kidnapping. According to reports, just six months after the man kidnapped Jennifer, he attempted to rape a woman in a bar. Seven years after the first kidnapping, he followed another woman and pulled out a knife. It was from that incident that police had his DNA, which now links him to Jennifer. He was quickly arrested.

When Bradford found out the girl was alive, he broke down in tears and hanged himself in prison. On the day of the trial, Jennifer instead read out a statement on the victims' impact on His grave.

"I have a story worth 19 years to talk to this person," she read at a news conference. "Dennis Bradford, you chose the wrong 8-year-old girl weighing 45 pounds to try to kill because for 19 years I thought of you every day and helped find you." In my heart I knew you were there and now I know I have listened to my heart all year "And I never gave up on finding out I was right."

Jennifer wondered if the man could hear her from outside the grave. And then she was bitten by fire ants, just like last year.

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These days, Jennifer is married and the mother of two children through in vitro fertilization (her organs were severely damaged in an attack to conceive without assistance). But she came here to warn us all not to despair and keep talking. It may take some time, but justice is there.

"Throughout this trip, I had two main goals: they were looking for a man who was kidnapped, raped and tried to kill me 19 years ago so he could not hurt anyone. And to use my voice to tell my story to as many people as possible, hoping to encourage "Other victims of violent crimes stand up and speak out against criminals."

"Today I can say with great pride that I have achieved both goals. I hope that my case will serve as a warning to all victims of violent crime not to despair of seeking justice, no matter how long or difficult it may be. With determination and using your voice to speak up, you are capable of everything. ”

Jennifer Schuett Assault

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